Black friday is almost here but, when is it?
Black Friday is the day that follows Thanksgiving, which always falls on the fourth Thursday of November.
However, this date has changed through time.
North American Countries have been celebrating Thanksgiving since the 17th century.
In the late 1900s, President Lincoln defined Thanksgiving holiday as the last Thursday of November.
In 1939, during the Great Depression, Thanksgiving holiday happened to be on the fifth week of November, cutting the shopping season short. For this reason, some shopkeepers asked President Franklin D. Roosevelt to move Thanksgiving Day to the fourth Thursday of November.
In 1941, the American Congress decided to meet retailers’ request and sanctioned that, from then onwards, Thanksgiving Day would have been on the fourth Thursday of November, setting the conclusive conventional date that is still considered holiday nowadays.
Throughout the years, Black Friday week has become more and more important for sales, since it is actually the starting grid of Christmas shopping, and financial analysts began to examine the phenomenon.
Black Friday is a valid indicator of shoppers spending power and provides a forecast on seasonal sales trend.
Black Friday caught on throughout North America between the 50s and 60s and gained more and more popularity worldwide over the last decade, especially for online sales.
In the last few years, the Black Friday one-day sale has changed into a four-day event, since discounts and promotions are applied throughout the weekend and on the Monday following Thanksgiving, known as Cyber Monday, for online purchases.
This year, Black Friday will be on Friday November 23rd.
Hurry up! Check your mailbox and see what Il Bussetto has thought up for you for this Black Friday week!