We guess you are desperately searching for the perfect gift for your love right now.
Buying gifts for our Valentines is one of the sweetest things in the World but, at the same time, it can be very stressful.
Although the Day of lovers has ancient pagan roots, the tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day became a commercial event only around the mid-20th century, when people started to give presents to their sweethearts.
Until then, lovers used to exchange heart shaped cards and love letters called Valentines, on which they could express their feelings through words… so romantic!
In 1415, Charles the Duke of Orleans wrote the oldest known Valentine to his wife, Bonne d’Armagnac.
As the story goes, while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London he wrote these words to his love: “Je suis déjà d’amour tanné, ma très douce Valentinée” (I am already sick of love, my very gentle Valentine).
But, as Madonna sings, we live in a material world and, over the years, flowers, boxes of chocolates and other gifts have replaced the super romantic Valentines.
Love is all we need, but a beautiful gift inspires smiles and kisses. So why don’t you surprise your love with one of our products?
Trifold Wallet
A wallet is always a classic and appreciated gift, that’s why we decided to discount our Trifold wallet!
During Valentine’s sales, it is 25% off, as well as our entire collection of scarves, hand painted in stunning natural blue colour.
City Bag
If instead you want to go for our iconic City Bag, you need to know that colours Black and Poseidon Blue will be 15% off until 14th February 2019.
Hurry up! Limited quantity available!